Entreprendre dans le web 2.0 les conseils de kiko en vente sur eBay en ce moment!

3 commentaires sur “Entreprendre dans le web 2.0 les conseils de kiko en vente sur eBay en ce moment!”

  1. En fait le lien marche mais ebay a retiré la vente dixit le post sur le blog du mec de kiko :

    The listing was removed because it violated the eBay Inappropriate Links policy. The violation occurred when you included the following information in your listing:


    To provide potential buyers with more detailed information about the item in their listing, sellers can include the following types of links in their item description:

    – Links to photos of the item
    – One link to a page that further describes the item in the listing
    – Links to your eBay or Half.com listings (including your eBay Store)
    – Links to your About Me page (in addition to the About Me icon provided by eBay)
    – One link to your Listing Terms and Conditions (as long as the listing contains the most relevant information and that the page does not include any links outside of eBay)
    – One link to your email address that opens an email program enabling potential buyers to ask questions about items in your store
    – Links that provide third party credits

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